HEre are some of the projects in East Africa that CanAssist is working on - or plans to start soon. Your donation can help us complete this work.
CanAssist has funded the repair of many borehole wells in the Mukono region of Uganda. These outdated community boreholes were in much need of repair as each well services 500-1200 people. Access to clean water is a basic human need which CanAssist is happy to support.
The Katembe Primary School in the Southwest corner of Uganda is in need of two new classrooms to support the hard working students who attend. Currently students are learning in wooden structures which offer little protection from the elements.
We are presently seeking funding for several new latrines. We also need funds for additional borehole wells and water catchment projects throughout East Africa, additional classrooms at a number of school sites, and funds to purchase fuel efficient wood burning stoves for school kitchens. We need funds to support medical clinics with a variety of infrastructure needs and we continue to buy books, furnishings, computers and supplies for schools throughout East Africa. All of these projects need your support. Click on the link to donate now!